Manuscript Accepted! Title: "Get me off Your F*cking Mailing List"

Scientists are under a lot of pressure to publish in order to advance their careers and science. Scam journals have popped up in recent years to attempt to prey on this immense stress. These journals often have plausibly legitimate titles like "International Journal of Bioassays" and spam researchers with invitations to publish work for a small fee.

After receiving one of these spam emails, Dr. Peter Vamplew of Federation University Australia’s School of Engineering and Information Technology submitted his groundbreaking research article entitled "Get me off Your Fucking Mailing List."

Screenshot of the game-changing publication's title, authors, affiliations, and abstract.

Screenshot of the game-changing publication's title, authors, affiliations, and abstract.

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Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 8.23.24 PM.png

With data like these, it's no surprise that the manuscript was accepted with only minor revisions.

via @hardsci and Scholarly Open Access. Here's the pdf of the full manuscript. For more information about scam journals and publishers, check our Scholarly Open Access at


The Creation Myth as Told by Louis C.K.

Many nerds may drone on about how they believe life could have started on Earth based on this-or-that data, but who knows how it actually happened? Louis C.K. recently took to Twitter to discuss his feelings on the matter:

How "we" may have looked when we came over from Mars.

How "we" may have looked when we came over from Mars.

It's unclear what prompted Mr. C.K. to report his feelings on the origins of humanity, but he has already ruled out one possibility:

Man Dives into an Exploding Volcano

Not in the lava directly, but he's pretty damn close. I'm all sweaty from watching.

Sam Cossman and George Kourounis guided by volcanic pioneers Geoff Mackely and Brad Ambrose become among the first explorers to step foot inside the worlds most dangerous and inaccessible volcano, Marum Crater. More people have visited the moon than the firey bottom of this spectacular and deadly place.

From youtube: "Sam Cossman and George Kourounis with volcanic pioneers Geoff Mackely and Brad Ambrose become among the first explorers to step foot inside the worlds most dangerous and inaccessible volcano, Marum Crater. More people have visited the moon than the firey bottom of this spectacular and deadly location."


BuzzFeed recently posted a list of #ScientistProblems via Twitter. We've found a few more (below). Some are mildly amusing; some, just true.

McMaster Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce Scientists and Researchers gesture that sustainability is good for you. Source: Flickr

McMaster Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce Scientists and Researchers gesture that sustainability is good for you. Source: Flickr

aaaaand scene.

We Humans are Capable of Greatness

by Andrew Lee

This is the first video (out of ten) in the Sagan Series by Reid Gower. They're all of audio recordings of the great scientist Carl Sagan over montages of Earth, space, and life. The first video originally came out in 2011, but watching it every so often is always uplifting.

For more Facebook - Twitter - G+ - The Sagan Series is an educational project working in the hopes of promoting scientific literacy in the general population. Created by @ReidGower Please note, this is an UNOFFICIAL NASA ad.

Damn, someone must be chopping up some onions nearby.

Is this why we're fat?

by Andrew Lee

Maybe we'll post more in detail about this one day, but I just wanted to share the recent article about the possible link between early low doses of antibiotics and long-term metabolic effects (in mice). Does this mean anything for humans? Check back for a future article in our Centri-feud section! (via Wired)


Graphical Abstract from Cox et al., Cell 2014.

Graphical Abstract from Cox et al., Cell 2014.